Milkshake Recipe Ideas to Get Started

You've bought a milkshake maker and now it's time to get creative. You may have one particular type of milkshake that you love, but you don't want to get bored of it. Besides, your children want to have some fun and experiment. You could create your own milkshake recipes. To get you started, here are some great ideas.

Try a Marshmallow or S'mores Flavour

Make a really easy vanilla milkshake and then add some toasted marshmallows. Add as many marshmallows as you want to suit your preference. If you like s'mores (marshallows, chocolate and Graham crackers for those not in the US), you can add the ingredients too. Use chocolate ice cream instead of actual melted chocolate and add the Graham crackers on the top.

Chocolate and Banana Shakes

Chocolate milkshakes are popular for many people, but you want something different now and then. Why not mix chocolate and banana together? You just need some milk (preferably chocolate), chocolate ice cream and mashed bananas. If your milkshake maker can handle whole fruit, you won't need to mash the bananas and will benefit from frozen ones instead.

A Lemon Meringue Milkshake

Lemon meringues are tasty and the perfect sweet treat, so why not turn one into a milkshake? Mix some lemon sorbet and vanilla frozen yogurt together, along with lemon curd and milk. Once you pour it into a glass, top with some meringue and you have a quick and healthier version. You can replace the lemon with raspberry and have your very own raspberry pavlova or try limes for a keylime pie.

Delicious Maple-Walnut

Maple syrup mixed with milk and vanilla ice cream is a great option for those wanting something a little different. You can find a balance between the three ingredients to suit you, but 2 tbsp of syrup with a pint of ice cream is usually enough. Top with some walnuts to have a delicious sweet treat any time of the day.

There are so many different types of milkshakes that you can make, and they can be as healthy or unhealthy as you want them to be. Think about your favourite desserts or treats and turn them into milkshake versions. With flavoured ice cream and syrups, nothing is beyond your reach. Have fun with your children to make your creative milkshake recipes.